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Gulf of Mexico Science and Restoration Funding Calendar 2022-2024

The science and restoration programs working in the Gulf of Mexico understand the need for stakeholders to remain informed of future funding opportunities. To this end, they have collectively developed a calendar consolidating currently planned funding opportunities in order to keep stakeholders informed and help grant applicants plan ahead and submit their high-quality applications to the appropriate funding opportunity.

This calendar only contains information on currently planned future opportunities as of February 2022. Additional opportunities and details may be released as funding programs develop and finalize their funding opportunities, especially for years 2023 and beyond. The calendar only includes a subset of programs in the Gulf region that have received funding as a consequence of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Click on one of the opportunities below to view additional information.

NOAA RESTORE Science Program - Research

Funding Opportunity NameResearch and Application – Actionable Science Long-term research projects
Amount~$15M $16-32M
Length of AwardsUp to 5 years 5 years with optional 5-year renewal
Expected Number of Awards~10 ~5
Release DateJune 2022 Spring 2024
Letter of Intent RequiredYes Yes
Letter of Intent DeadlineAug. 16, 2022 TBD
Full Proposal DeadlineNov. 30, 2022 TBD
TopicActionable science in the Gulf of Mexico region focused on informing a specific natural resource management decision TBD
Additional InformationN/A N/A
Link to Funding OpportunityLearn more here TBD

NOAA RESTORE Science Program - Synthesis

Funding Opportunity NameSynthesis Working GroupsSynthesis Working Groups Synthesis Working Groups
Length of Awards2 years2 years 2 years
Expected Number of Awards~3 projects~3 projects~3 projects
Release DateNovember 2022TBDTBD
Letter of Intent RequiredNoTBD TBD
Letter of Intent DeadlineN/ATBD TBD
Full Proposal DeadlineJanuary 31, 2023TBD TBD
TopicScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of MexicoScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of MexicoScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of Mexico
Additional InformationN/AN/A N/A
Link to Funding OpportunityFind more info hereTBD TBD
Funding Opportunity NameSynthesis Postdoctoral ResearchSynthesis Postdoctoral ResearchSynthesis Postdoctoral Research
Length of Awards2 years2 years 2 years
Expected Number of Awards~3 projects~3 projects~3 projects
Release DateLate 2022TBDTBD
Letter of Intent RequiredTBDTBD TBD
Letter of Intent DeadlineTBDTBD TBD
Full Proposal DeadlineTBDTBD TBD
TopicScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of MexicoScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of MexicoScientific synthesis focused on the use of large datasets by multidisciplinary teams to gain new insights into ecological processes in the Gulf of Mexico
Additional InformationN/AN/A N/A
Link to Funding OpportunityTBDTBD TBD

NAS Gulf Research Program

Funding opportunities with the National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program are expected to be released in early 2022. More details on these opportunities will be available soon. Please contact Daniel Burger for more information or visit our website

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

The RESTORE Council funds and implements projects and programs through its eleven state and federal members. Individual Council member agencies may solicit proposals for projects and/or programs from any entity and the general public that they can then submit to the Council for funding consideration. 

Each state represented on the RESTORE Council has established their own website to describe the process established to identify priority projects, and for the public to submit projects for funding under various programs, including the RESTORE Council.

In 2019-20 the Council solicited proposals for its latest funded priorities list (FPL 3b), which was approved in April 2021. Opportunities for public engagement with Council-led activities can be found on the Council’s website. Subscribe to receive RESTORE EBlast email updates for the most current news from the Council.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund

NFWF anticipates carrying out one project selection cycle per year. NFWF will begin the project review process each spring through intense consultation with state and federal resource agencies. NFWF will consult with state natural resource agencies, NOAA, and US FWS to identify projects that meet conditions of the plea agreements to be supported by the fund. NFWF retains sole authority to make final decisions.  For more information please visit the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund website.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustee Council

Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) restoration projects and activities are funded by Trustee Implementation Groups (TIGs), as overseen by the Deepwater Horizon NRDA Trustee Council.  There are currently seven active TIGs – one for each of the five Gulf states, a Region Wide TIG, and an Open Ocean TIG.  Each TIG selects restoration projects for implementation through Restoration Plans that are made available in draft form for public comment.  Monitoring and adaptive management projects may also be included in TIG restoration plans, or the TIGs may develop and implement monitoring and adaptive management activities outside of the restoration planning process, as needed. While each TIG has its own restoration planning process and timelines, announcements related to TIG restoration planning milestones and opportunities for public comment are posted on each TIG’s webpage within the NRDA Trustee Council websites.  In addition, each TIG provides opportunities for the public to offer restoration project ideas through the Trustee Council project idea submission database as well as through project idea submission databases run by each of the five Gulf States:

You can also sign up at to receive NRDA Trustee Council email updates, which include requests for project ideas as each TIG begins work on a new restoration plan.

Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program

Funding opportunities with the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program are still in development and are expected to be released in late 2022. Please contact Nicole Raineault for more information or visit our website.

Mississippi Based RESTORE Act Center of Excellence

Details 2022 2023 2024
Funding Opportunity Name   Competitive Grants Program   
Amount    $615,000  
Length of Awards    24-30 months  
Expected Number of Awards    4  
Release Date    December 2022  
Letter of Intent Required    No  
Letter of Intent Deadline    N/A  
Full Proposal Deadline    January 20, 2023, 5 pm CT  
Topic    1) Surface water and ground water exchange dynamics in the supratidal zone on coastal MS beaches, 2) Transport and fate of bacteria in MS coastal systems, 3) Dynamics of freshwater inflow, and 4) Variables that affect health and growth of oyster reefs in MS  
Additional Information      
Link to Funding Opportunity  
Funding Opportunity Name Core Research Program Awards 
Amount  $2,540,000 
Length of Awards  54 months 
Expected Number of Awards  1 
Release Date  December 2022 
Letter of Intent Required  No 
Letter of Intent Deadline  N/A 
Full Proposal Deadline  January 20, 2023, 5 pm CT 
Topic  Water quality and oyster reefs and their sustainability  
Additional Information   
Link to Funding Opportunity 

RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana

Funding Opportunity Name  RFP 3 The RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana  
Amount  TBD
Length of Awards  2 years or less
Expected Number of Awards  TBD
Release Date  Spring 2024
Letter of Intent Required  Yes
Letter of Intent Deadline  TBD
Full Proposal Deadline  TBD
Topic  Projects submitted for these awards must support research directly related to the implementation of Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan which guides the state’s coastal restoration and protection work.
Additional Information  N/A
Link to Funding Opportunity  N/A

RESTORE Act Center of Excellence Texas, Texas OneGulf

Texas OneGulf is focused on science driven solutions to Gulf problems. The Texas OneGulf process gathers input from Texas stakeholders and through Texas policy and decision makers, NGOs, business and industry, and human health institutes. Funded projects are selected through a Committee-based Selection Process. Consultation between the Texas OneGulf Consortium Leadership (TOCL) and the Texas OneGulf Agency Council (TOAC), in conjunction with the Strategic Research and Action Plan (SRAP), is used to identify tiered, priority decision-making needs, which are then crafted into research questions that form the basis of proposals from OneGulf members. Proposals must be developed through a co-production process that involves interdisciplinary researchers (as appropriate) and research end-users. Contact Dr. Katya Wowk for further information.

Alabama RESTORE Act Center of Excellence Program

Funding Opportunity NameALCOE RFP 2  
Length of Awards1 year  
Expected Number of Awards10  
Release DateEarly Spring 2022  
Letter of Intent RequiredNo  
Letter of Intent DeadlineTBD  
Full Proposal DeadlineTBD  
TopicEmerging Technologies  
Additional InformationN/A  
Link to Funding OpportunityN/A  

Treasury Department's Office of Gulf Coast Restoration

Funding Opportunity NameRESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grants ProgramRESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grants ProgramTBD
Length of Awards1 – 5 years1 – 5 years 
Expected Number of AwardsEach of five eligible applicants may apply for its share of fundsEach of five eligible applicants may apply for its share of funds 
Release DateTBDTBD 
Letter of Intent RequiredN/AN/A 
Letter of Intent DeadlineN/AN/A 
Full Proposal Deadline31-Dec-21TBD 
TopicFunds used by those Centers of Excellence for science, technology, and monitoring in one or more of the disciplines specified in RESTORE Act (Sec. 1605)Funds used by those Centers of Excellence for science, technology, and monitoring in one or more of the disciplines specified in RESTORE Act (Sec. 1605) 
Additional InformationN/AN/A 
Link to Funding Opportunity



Activities, programs, and projects that are eligible for grants awarded under the Direct Component include:

  • Restoration and protection of the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast Region;
  • Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife and natural resources;
  • Implementation of a Federally-approved marine, coastal, or comprehensive conservation management plan, including fisheries monitoring;
  • Workforce development and job creation;
  • Improvements to or on state parks located in coastal areas affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill;
  • Infrastructure projects benefiting the economy or ecological resources, including port infrastructure;
  • Coastal flood protection and related infrastructure;
  • Planning assistance;
  • Promotion of tourism in the Gulf Coast Region, including promotion of recreational fishing;
  • Promotion of the consumption of seafood harvested from the Gulf Coast Region; and
  • Administrative costs.

For more information about Direct Component funding opportunities, please visit the Treasury website.

Subsea Systems Institute

Funding Opportunity NameSSI Mission Research  
Amount$100,000 direct costs/awards  
Length of Awards18 months  
Expected Number of Awards10  
Release DateTentative 3/15/2022  
Letter of Intent RequiredNo  
Letter of Intent DeadlineN/A  
Full Proposal DeadlineTentative 4/15/2022  
TopicSSI Mission Research  
Link to Funding  

Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative

The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is no longer funding competitive projects. GoMRI continues to support the GRIIDC data system and the GoMRI website. All data collected under GoMRI funding will continue to be accessible through GRIIDC.