Resources for New Applicants
Please read and follow the specifics in the federal funding opportunity (FFO) announcement when applying. For additional information visit the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science website and refer to the ‘Information for Applicants’ tab.
All applications should include a milestone chart as referenced in the FFO. An example template for the milestone chart is available for you below.
- FFO-2025 Milestone Chart – Federal funding applications to the RESTORE Science Program require applicants to complete 18 standard elements and 2 optional elements. For detailed instructions on preparing an application and explanation of each element please see the example application below.
- FFO-2025 Example Application
- Data Management Template
- Co-Production Monitoring Toolkit
Resources for Awarded Projects
Please refer to your award terms and conditions for the specific requirements associated with your award. Below we provide some additional resources that you may use as required.
1) Progress and Final Reports
The RESTORE Science Program requires a semi-annual progress report every six months from the start date of the award that is due 30 days after the six-month reporting period. A final report is due 90 days after the close out date of the award. Forms for both reports are found below. Each report should be accompanied by a milestone chart — please work with your federal program officer to get the current version for your project. Completed reports should be submitted through grants.gov.
Semi-Annual Progress Report Form
2) Financial Reports
Site visits are an opportunity to review the performance, quality, and relevance of ongoing projects. Site visits will occur approximately once per project year, and include the lead investigator, key members of the project team, and representatives from the RESTORE Science Program. Representatives from NOAA’s Grants Management Division may also attend. Site visits will cover progress and challenges to date and also look forward at least one year at upcoming activities and anticipated challenges. Site visits will include a thorough review of the research team, the science, application of the science and engagements with end users, data management, financial execution of the project, and environmental compliance and permit actions. Site Visit Form Site Visit Evaluation Form
An Acknowledgements section shall be included in the body of the publication and include the following: “This article is a result of research funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s RESTORE Science Program under award [insert Grant Number] to [insert Institution(s)].”