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Freshwater Inflow Decision Tool

Full Title: Co-production of a water flow decision tool to support resource management. This project will explore the feasibility of a freshwater inflow decision tool that will provide managers with a better understanding of the impact of allowing water to flow to the coast, and how to maximize environmental, social, and economic benefits while adapting … Continue reading

Forecasting of Riverine Inflows

Full Title: From planning to adaptive management: Natural resources decision making in response to the allocation of riverine inflows in the northern Gulf of Mexico This project will result in a management and forecast system that allows resource managers to explore tradeoffs from restoration strategies as well as examine and optimize various riverine inflows. Lead … Continue reading

Impact of Mississippi River

Full Title: The central role of the Mississippi River and its delta in the oceanography and ecology of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem This project provided the resource management community with information on how annual and seasonal flow patterns of the Mississippi River impact the salinity distribution of the Mississippi River Delta and … Continue reading