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Marsh Food Webs

Full Title: Linking community and food-web approaches to restoration: An ecological assessment of created and natural marshes influenced by river diversions

This project investigates how river diversions influence the living communities, food web structure, and function of created versus natural marshes to inform the development of marsh restoration strategies.

Learn more about this project on their website.


This video provides an overview of Dr. Polito’s project.

The Team: Michael J. Polito (Lead Investigator, Louisiana State University,, Annette S. Engel (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Linda M. Hooper-Bui (Louisiana State University), Olaf P. Jenson (Rutgers University), Paola Lopez-Duarte (Rutgers University), Charles W. Martin (University of Florida), Jill A. Olin (Michigan Technological University), Nancy N. Rabalais (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and Louisiana State University), Brian J. Roberts (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium), and Erick Swenson (Louisiana State University)

Technical Monitors: Melissa Carle ( and Ian Zink (

Federal Program Officer/Point of Contact: Frank Parker (

This project began in June 2017 and will end November 30, 2023.

Award Amount: $2,057,684

Why it matters: Coastal land loss in Louisiana has claimed more than 4,800 km2 since the 1930s. Without preventative action, an additional 4,500 km2 of land will disappear in the next 50 years. Restoration efforts have included modifying hydrologic patterns and construction of tidal marshes and river diversions to reconnect the Mississippi River to adjacent estuaries. While these restoration efforts have shown promise for reducing land loss, little is known about their impacts on the composition of the plants and animals in a coastal marsh and their food web structure.

What the team is doing: This research seeks to expand knowledge of the effects of river diversions on natural versus created marshes in Louisiana. Researchers will determine species composition, abundances, and food web structure in natural marshes along varying levels of salinity that result from a river diversion. They will also examine species composition, abundances, and food web structure in created marshes that differ in age influenced by this same river diversion. Finally, the data collected from the marshes will be incorporated into an ecosystem model to predict the impact of salinity changes and habitat restoration efforts on marsh food web structure, function, and resilience.

Expected Outcome: This project will increase understanding of how river diversions impact the marsh food webs and provide the means for predicting how certain types of restoration will impact the species living in a marsh. This project will consider the majority of components in marsh food webs and make it possible for managers to take an end-to-end ecosystem perspective when making management decisions.

Figure depicting natural and restored marshes in Louisiana (red polygons) that will be sampled as part of the food web research.

From the seminar “Linking community and food-web approaches to restoration: An ecological assessment of created and natural marshes influenced by river diversions” 
Presenter: Dr. Michael Polito, Louisiana State University

Other Resources

Rabalais, Nancy N.; Morrison, Wendy; Smith, Leslie; Woods, Gina (2024). NOAA RESTORE Science Program: Linking Community and Food-web Approaches to Restoration: Taxonomic data for marsh infauna associated with natural and restored marshes along a salinity gradient generated from a freshwater diversion at West Pointe a la Hache into eastern Barataria Bay, Louisiana, 2018-05-21 to 2021-05-25 (NCEI Accession 0296020). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.

Rabalais, Nancy N.; Morrison, Wendy; Smith, Leslie M.; Woods, Gina (2024). NOAA RESTORE Science Program: Linking Community and Food-web Approaches to Restoration: Total organic carbon and sediment grain size at natural and restored marshes along a salinity gradient generated from a freshwater diversion at West Pointe a la Hache into eastern Barataria Bay, Louisiana, 2018-05-21 to 2021-05-25 (NCEI Accession 0296021). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.

Keppeler, F. W., Junker, J. R., Shaw, M. J., Alford, S. B., Engel, A. S., Hooper‐Bùi, L. M.,Jensen, O.P., Lamb, K., López‐Duarte, P.C., Martin, C.W., McDonald, A.M., Olin, J., Paterson, A., Polito, M., Rabalais, N., Roberts, B., Rossi, R. & Swenson, E. M. (2023). Can biodiversity of preexisting and created salt marshes match across scales? An assessment from microbes to predators. Ecosphere, 14(3), e4461.

Keppeler, F. W., Olin, J. A., López‐Duarte, P. C., Polito, M. J., Hooper‐Bùi, L. M., Taylor, S. S., Rabalais, N., Fodire, F., Roberts, B., Turner, R., martin, C., & Jensen, O. P. (2021). Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 6(6), 360-368.

Petrolia, D. R., Walton, W. C., & Cebrian, J. (2022). Oyster Economics: Simulated Costs, Market Returns, and Nonmarket Ecosystem Benefits of Harvested and Nonharvested Reefs, Off-Bottom Aquaculture, and Living Shorelines. Marine Resource Economics, 37(3).

Oken, K. L., Able, K. W., de Mutsert, K., Fodrie, F. J., López-Duarte, P. C., Martin, C. W., McCann, M., Olin, J., Polito, M., Roberts, B. & Jensen, O. P. (2023). Fishery closures, more than predator release, increased persistence of nearshore fishes and invertebrates to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Estuaries and Coasts, 46(7), 1907-1922.

Keppeler, F. W., Engel, A. S., Hooper‐Bùi, L. M., López‐Duarte, P. C., Martin, C. W., Olin, J. A., Lamb K.J., Polito M.J., Rabalais N.N., Roberts B.J., Swenson E.M. & Jensen, O. P. (2023). Coastal wetland restoration through the lens of Odum’s theory of ecosystem development. Restoration Ecology, e14072.