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NOAA RESTORE Science Program Releases Draft Science Plan for Public Comment

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released for public comment a draft version of the science plan for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program. The plan establishes ten long-term research priorities which will guide how the program will invest its funds and explains how prior needs assessments for the Gulf of Mexico region and earlier stakeholder input was used to determine these areas of investment. The plan also provides additional information on how the program will be administered and how the program will work with partners.

Continued input from stakeholders is important to the success of the program and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft science plan over the 45 day comment period which ends on December 15, 2014. Electronic comments on the draft science plan can be submitted via e-mail ( Written comments can be submitted to Dr. Becky Allee at NOAA OCM, Gulf of Mexico Division, Bldg. 1100, Rm 232, Stennis Space Center, MS, 39529.

The program will address the input it receives on the plan and anticipates releasing a final version of the science plan in January 2015.

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