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Gulf Sea Grant Programs Release Gulf Research Survey

The four Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant college programs have released the 2013 Gulf of Mexico research needs survey ( The survey will be used to update the Gulf of Mexico Research Plan and will be shared with numerous groups that are funding or supporting regional research and restoration activities. These groups include the Gulf … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Seeks A Director

UPDATE: Due to the government-wide furlough, this position announcement has been extended until October 31st. If you have already applied to this announcement, you will not need to reapply. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) RESTORE Science Program is currently seeking a Director. The announcement for the position (announcement # NOS-NCCOS-2013-0013) is now available … Continue reading

NOAA’s Science Advisory Board seeks members for a Working Group to advise NOAA’s RESTORE Science Program

NOAA’s Science Advisory Board is seeking members to join a working group that the Board has established to advise NOAA’s RESTORE Science Program. The request for nominations to the working group has been announced in the Federal Register. The working group will provide independent guidance and review of the NOAA RESTORE Science Program offering advice … Continue reading

Treasury Issues Proposed RESTORE Act Regulations, Opens 60-Day Comment Period

The U.S. Department of Treasury has released proposed regulations for the RESTORE Act in the Federal Register. The proposed regulations contain procedures required by the RESTORE Act, outlining financial management, auditing, and reporting procedures for the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund. As with the other components of the RESTORE Act, the NOAA RESTORE Science Program … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announces Additional Virtual Engagement Sessions

The NOAA RESTORE Science Program will be hosting eleven virtual engagement sessions this September. During each session, a short overview of the program will be presented followed by an open question and answer session. Participants will also be asked a series of targeted questions to provide input on research and observing needs in the Gulf … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announced in Federal Register

On August, 16, 2013, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced in the Federal Register the implementation of a new competitive research program, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and Technology Program. NOAA was authorized to establish the program in The Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Hosts Virtual Engagement Sessions

UPDATE (16 August 2013): Registration for these sessions is now full. Since demand for these sessions has been high, we will schedule additional sessions in September and October. Notifications about additional engagement sessions will be sent to our subscribers. … The NOAA RESTORE Science Program will be hosting five virtual engagement sessions this August. During … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Releases Summary Report from Public Engagement Session in Tampa, FL

The NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program held its first engagement session on Monday June 24, 2013 in Tampa, FL, just prior to the Gulf of Mexico Alliance All-Hands Meeting, and has released the Summary Report. The session’s purpose was to introduce the program and solicit public input. Over 100 people participated, including representatives from the … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announces Public Engagement Session at Gulf of Mexico Alliance All-Hands Meeting

Under the RESTORE Act, NOAA, in consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, and the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, is responsible for administering a program to achieve an integrative, holistic understanding of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and support restoration efforts and long-term sustainability of the … Continue reading

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council releases Draft Initial Comprehensive Plan: Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council marked significant progress with the public release of the Draft Initial Comprehensive Plan: Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy and accompanying Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for formal public comment. The Draft Plan provides a framework to implement a coordinated region-wide restoration effort in a way that restores, protects, … Continue reading