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NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announces First Awards

The NOAA RESTORE Science Program has completed its first funding competition and awarded approximately $2.7 million to seven research teams. These teams and their projects were selected following a rigorous and highly competitive process which included a review by a panel of outside experts. Each of the research teams will be addressing one or more … Continue reading

Director Announced for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program

Dr. Julien Lartigue has been chosen to be the Director of the NOAA RESTORE Science Program. As Director, Dr. Lartigue will be responsible for leading and directing all aspects of the Program, including planning and administration, strategic and scientific direction, coordinating with partners, engaging internal and external advisory bodies, and facilitating the application of research … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Releases Science Plan

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released the final version of the science plan for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program. The plan establishes ten long-term research priorities which will guide how the program invests its funds and explains how prior needs assessments for the Gulf of Mexico region and earlier stakeholder input were … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announces First Funding Opportunity

The NOAA RESTORE Science Program released its first federal funding opportunity (FFO-2015) on December 17, 2014 (click here for full announcement). The program is seeking proposals that will produce timely and high-quality scientific results that may be used to develop management strategies to support the sustainability of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, including its fisheries. … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Announces Virtual Engagement Sessions on Science Plan

The NOAA RESTORE Science Program will be hosting six virtual engagement sessions in November where the program will provide a short overview of it’s recently released science plan, explain the public comment process for the plan, answer questions, and and ask participants a couple of questions about the plan which are listed below. Attendees are … Continue reading

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Releases Draft Science Plan for Public Comment

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released for public comment a draft version of the science plan for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program. The plan establishes ten long-term research priorities which will guide how the program will invest its funds and explains how prior needs assessments for the Gulf of Mexico region and … Continue reading

Gulf of Mexico Science Session at RAE/TCS 2014 Conference

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) RESTORE Science Program will be participating in a panel session titled, “Science Supporting the Resiliency and Long-Term Sustainability of the Gulf of Mexico” at the 7th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 24th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society. The session will take place on Monday, November … Continue reading

New Acting Director and Associate Director Announced for NOAA RESTORE Science Program

Russ Beard has been leading the NOAA RESTORE Science Program since April 2013. Mr. Beard has now been asked and agreed to serve as the interim science coordinator for the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, a position which necessitates that he no longer serve as the acting Director for the science program. Dr. Becky Allee … Continue reading

Treasury Publishes Interim Final Rule for Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund

On Friday, August 15, the Department of the Treasury published interim final rules for the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund in the Federal Register. This Trust Fund was established by the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) and will be the source … Continue reading